Course Code |
UGEA 2451 UGEA2451 |
科目名稱 |
Chinese Novels
and Rel Culture 中國小說與宗教文化 |
教員 |
學 分 |
課程性質 |
大學通識A範疇 |
同科其他選擇 |
Workload |
好重 |
重 |
平均 |
輕 |
1 |
極輕 |
評價教學內容 |
#1 講述西遊記及紅樓夢當中某些特定回目的宗教象徵意義,老師會要求同學每星期閱讀1-2回內容,就算不能閱讀原文也希望同學能大致知道該回的內容,然後上課討論。過程中,老師會讓你拓寬視野,了解到很多平常鮮少接觸的知識,使同學能從另外一個角度看不同作品乃至世界,如以易經卦象看西遊記,讓同學理解易經的卦象及道家煉丹之術等,日後也能套用相關概念或分析技巧更仔細欣賞不同藝術創作。 設計輕鬆,雖然是3cred科目,但只需要做一個group
presentation(從西遊記或紅樓夢選一回介紹當中的宗教象徵含義)及一份term paper,論文題目自訂,老師也給予同學很大自由度,同學可以選擇與之前present同樣的內容再加以更深入解釋作論文,亦可以選其他回目作論文,甚至能自己選其他中國小說(包括但不限於聊齋,三國演義等) |
評價教員教學 |
#1 老師學識淵博,而且非常尊重學生,不會干涉太多同學present或論文題目的想法,上課時亦很注重討論,會重視同學參與,鼓勵大家發言。 每次都會讓同學先分享自己對該回目內容的想法等,並會尊重學生的興起調整課程,之前上課更會在正式授課前問同學看完西遊記其中一回後有沒有甚麼問題或想法,有同學提出了預設討論題目以外的問題,老師亦願意花時間去介紹及解釋相關概念,課後更經常花額外與同學討論小說象徵內容、宗教相關概念及部分傳統作品,如易經,與現代生活或做人處事的意義,如之前曾跟留下討論的同學分享中大未圓湖未圓之意與易經最後一卦未濟卦的關係等。 |
CUSIS科目資料 |
Description: Chinese novels
have long been intertwined with religious culture. The Confucian, Buddhist
and Daoist thoughts permeate classical Chinese novels. As a lively epitome of
Chinese religious culture, these novels also promoted the spread of religious
thoughts among the people. This course aims to investigate the interactive
relationship between Chinese novels and religion. Students will be guided to
examine the religious contents in novels and the ways in which religious
thoughts shape the motifs, characterization, language and narrative structure
of the novels. Texts selected for reading include masterpieces of Chinese
novels, such as The Story of the Stone, The Journey to the West, The
Investiture of the Gods and Strange Tales of Liaozhai. Learning
Outcome: Upon successful
completion of this course, students should be able to: 1.
a knowledge of the relationship between literature, culture and religion; 2.
and comment on the religious dimensions in Chinese novels; 3.
the literary and religious value of the major works of Chinese novels. |
其他資料 |
2021Sem2:學位 45|註冊 31|剩餘 14 |
同學推薦 |
高度推薦 |
1 |
推薦 |
有保留 |
極有保留 |