Course Code |
ACCT 3151 ACCT3151 |
科目名稱 |
Business Law 商業法 |
教員 |
學 分 |
課程性質 |
PACC必修 |
同科其他選擇 |
Workload |
l PAPER l FINAL EXAM l (50% 兩份小組功課,題目係抄以往嘅考試題目,另外50% 係closed-book考試 唔知點解佢夏天唔會突登check有冇開冷氣,搞到成日都好焗,先發現冇開冷氣 冇背書注定唔識做卷然後爛grade) |
好重 |
重 |
平均 |
1 |
輕 |
極輕 |
評價教學內容 |
#1 因為始終香港係行common law制度,所以要讀唔少cases,我覺得都算有趣。同埋學law可以知道點樣先唔會中招,點樣喺日常生活同埋商業世界保護自己嘅權利等等。 |
評價教員教學 |
#1 講野幾仔細,會講清楚點樣apply啲case law等等 得閒嘅時候吹下自己屋企人、足球甚至聲夢傳奇 😅 但係問佢問題嘅時候佢又有幾分嚴肅 因為時間根本唔夠佢講曬咁多topic,所以練習都非常少 功課同考試都一定涉及刁鑽位,唔俾直接問功課內容 如果唔留神嘅話好大機會會lost咗,但係聽佢講教嘅話又有陣時好悶 🥱 |
CUSIS科目資料 |
Description: This course
will provide an introduction to the legal system of Hong Kong with emphasis
on the legal environment of business. It will encompass a study of selected
topics in contract law including the elements of business contracting, the
rights and obligations of parties to the contract, the sale of goods and
employment law. This course will also examine the tort of negligence in a
professional context. Learning
Outcome: Students can
know the important rules of business law at the end of the course. These
rules concern how the courts deal with business-related disputes in the real
life. As many of the rules are designed to protect consumers, students can in
particular know more about consumers’ rights. In addition, they can learn
more analytical skills and writing skills which can help them to apply the
rules to do their assessments. |
其他資料 |
2223Sem1:學位 76|註冊 76|剩餘 0 2223Sem1:學位 65|註冊 50|剩餘 15 |
同學推薦 |
高度推薦 |
推薦 |
1 |
有保留 |
極有保留 |