Course Code |
KORE 3041 KORE3041 |
科目名稱 |
Business Korean
商業韓國語 |
教員 |
學 分 |
課程性質 |
語言選修 |
同科其他選擇 |
Workload |
好重 |
1 |
重 |
平均 |
輕 |
極輕 |
評價教學內容 |
#1 極度悶,教既詞語同文法都唔多,雖然話係文化course但不停睇片,仲要一條片會播兩次,之後叫人討論。一學期7份assignment(assignment包括roleplay 拍片,作文等,如果唔係online teaching既話仲有訪問韓國人),2個quiz,一個final,基本上佢當你係得佢一科讀咁chur你,同佢講workload重,佢只會答你唔關佢事,係你有其他科加埋先覺得辛苦姐,但我真係個個禮拜做緊呢科既功課...問我點解唔drop?本textbook買左我成3舊水啊 |
評價教員教學 |
#1 試圖隨便改考試日子,upload assignment就慢一慢,夠膽禮拜四upload叫你禮拜一交,仲要自己set錯blackboard交功課日子,結果有同學遲交,求情佢都唔理,仲要笑笑口話唔緊要,扣分咪得囉。仲有佢講解都好廢,講mc答案,一係同你講因為abc都唔係答案所以d係答案,問多兩問就話因為我地韓國人覺得好奇怪,一啲都無解釋過點解個答案係啱,大佬我又唔係韓國人鬼識咁多咩,識就唔駛黎上堂啦,平時都唔解釋好真係等考試黎炒我地咩 |
CUSIS科目資料 |
Description: This course
introduces learners of Korean to useful vocabulary and essential
communicative skills in a Korean-speaking business environment. The topics
are organized in language functions such as writing business emails, giving
business presentations, and conducting and attending job interviews.
Sufficient opportunities to enhance the four basic language skills
(listening, speaking, reading and writing) in the business setting will be
provided. Students will be exposed to a wide range of authentic materials
taken from the traditional media and the internet, and participate in a
variety of learning activities such as group discussions, role-play tasks and
oral presentations. This course highlights cultural factors in the practice
of business in Korea and aims to improve corresponding cross-cultural
communicative skills therein. Learning
Outcome: 1. Improve
their Korean language abilities in a business context. 2. Understand
simple oral and written business messages in Korean. 3. Carry out
basic oral and written business conversations in Korean. 4. Respond to a
direct exchange of information on familiar and routine business matters in
Korean. 5. Demonstrate
an increased awareness of the cultural traits of the Korean-speaking society
and the differences in intercultural business communications. |
其他資料 |
2019Sem:學位 24|註冊 24|剩餘 0 |
同學推薦 |
高度推薦 |
推薦 |
有保留 |
極有保留 |
1 |
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【更新進度】23-24 s1/s2/ss 的科目評價已更新。[2/7/2024]
【更新進度】23-24 s1/s2/ss 的科目評價已更新。[2/7/2024]
KORE 3041 商業韓國語 Business Korean
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