Course Code |
CHEM 1300 CHEM1300 |
科目名稱 |
Fundamentals in
Physical Chem. 化學物理基礎 |
教員 |
學 分 |
課程性質 |
化學系必修 |
同科其他選擇 |
Workload |
好重 |
重 |
平均 |
1 |
輕 |
極輕 |
評價教學內容 |
#1 內容比較對數學,數學底弱(冇讀過calculus)嘅話容易跟唔上。呢個course 係難,但係會幫大家補返好多chem 必須嘅數學同physics concept,如果冇讀的話讀2 字頭3 字頭嘅physical chemistry courses 會好吃力 |
評價教員教學 |
#1 講嘢清晰,英文好聽 |
CUSIS科目資料 |
Description: The transition
between high school and university presents new challenges for the students
of chemistry. This course reviews the basic concepts of physical chemistry
introduced in CHEM1070 and provides the foundations of three mandatory
physical chemistry courses in the latter years of the chemistry curriculum.
In particular, special topics in thermodynamics, atom structure, quantum
chemistry, and chemical kinetics are discussed. Problem-solving skills are
introduced to help bridge the gap in the upper-level physical chemistry
courses for chemistry majors. Learning
Outcome: Upon completion
of this course, students are expected to have a better understanding of key
concepts of the principal topics in undergraduate physical chemistry:
thermodynamic, kinetics and quantum mechanics. Students will also acquire
different problem-solving skills to succeed in the upper physical chemistry
courses. |
其他資料 |
2223Sem2:學位 73|註冊 71|剩餘 2 |
同學推薦 |
高度推薦 |
1 |
推薦 |
有保留 |
極有保留 |