Course Code |
ENGE2600 UGEC2189 |
科目名稱 |
Englishes&Their Cultures 世界英語及其文化 |
教員 |
學 分 |
課程性質 |
大學通識C範疇 |
同科其他選擇 |
Workload |
好重 |
1 |
重 |
平均 |
輕 |
極輕 |
評價教學內容 |
#1 Course outline長到乜咁,啲assignment要求要搵好耐先搵得到,ppt完全係冇重點,對於做final essay or group discussion完全冇乜幫助,要自己上網搵 |
評價教員教學 |
#1教書唔差,但係改assignment會好手緊,勁容易爛grade,佢唔會跟返自己之前寫嘅rubrics改,會無啦啦加啲新嘅standards,根本唔會知佢究竟想要啲咩。之前試過搵佢傾essay outline,大概了解過佢嘅expectation,但係去到最後都係爛grade,評語入面又係講另一套expectation/standard。總括而言冇乜特別事唔好揀呢一科。 |
CUSIS科目資料 |
Description: Although
English has long spread around the world, the consequences of this spread are
only now beginning to be appreciated by speakers in diverse cultures and
societies. English has changed the world, impacting specific local cultures
in both positive and negative ways. But English has also been localized and
acculturated, made to express the realities of diverse cultures and
societies, and so the language has been changed in turn. The discourse of
world Englishes aims to re-imagine our understanding of the language. The
difference between error and innovation can no longer be decided by reference
to ‘ownership’ of the language. Additionally, the language is beginning to be
a medium of the expression of identity for more and more people in very
different social and cultural contexts. World English must be pluralized,
which is why we think in terms of world Englishes. This course is split into
two sections. The first section will introduce you to issues in the discourse
of world Englishes: innovation, variety, creativity, globalization, etc. The
second section will look at specific case studies in different cultures and
societies, and will focus on Asian Englishes, e.g. English in Singapore,
China, and Japan. Different Asian cultures have distinct historical
experiences with English, leading to different levels of cultural penetration
(e.g. in popular culture) and depth of function (e.g. in business and law).
The second section looks at different examples to explore their specific
cultural engagements with the English language, but also to identify what
they have in common: Japan English and Singlish develop in very different
cultures, but the course with emphasis comparison as well as contrast. Learning
Outcome: Subject
specific skills. l On successful completion of this course you
will: l be able to identify and apply key linguistic
and cultural theories; l have accumulated linguistic, historical and
cultural knowledge relating to World Englishes in different societies and
cultures; l have developed an applied understanding of
theoretical frameworks for reading English language cultures generally. Central
academic skills. l On successful completion of this course you
will have developed: l analytical skills pertinent to visual and
written texts; l organizational skills in the preparation of
various writing and presentation assignments; l basic research skills using textual and
visual sources; l basic writing skills in standard academic
formats (presentations, essays). Transferable
skills. l On successful completion of this course you
will have: l become confident in expressing your views,
asking questions, and responding to others, even in large groups; l become more professional in delivering
formal presentations of your work. |
其他資料 |
2023Sem1:學位 20|註冊 6|剩餘 14 [UGEC] 2023Sem1:學位 50|註冊 46|剩餘 4 [ENGE] |
同學推薦 |
高度推薦 |
推薦 |
有保留 |
極有保留 |
1 |