Course Code |
IERG 4090 IERG4090 |
科目名稱 |
Protocols and Sys 網絡協議與系統 |
教員 |
學 分 |
課程性質 |
IE elective |
同科其他選擇 |
Workload |
l FINAL EXAM l inclass assignment (~4-5) |
好重 |
重 |
1 |
平均 |
1 |
輕 |
極輕 |
評價教學內容 |
#1 內容都係CCNA同CCNP嘅野,如果想考啲關於networking嘅cert旁身,極推薦讀 會講switch, router嘅config,同啲常見protocols,都幾清𥇦實用,吾會話好深同完全聽吾明 係vm用gns3 stimulate個environment做lab,lab吾會好深,tutor會有lab hints,有聽書嘅話,notes+lab hints完全可以1-2個鐘搞掂啲lab。 啲inclass出現嘅時間好random,而inclass係計n-1(e.g. 4份計最好3份),真係要去上堂先知佢幾時有 另外4090會幫你課一年(? or 一個sem?我sem2讀,個license 去到7月)virtual workstation,吾洗你忍做做下會bug左嘅免費仔virtual box(好vm不用嗎wwww notes幾清𥇦,不過jack lee成日update notes (試過臨上堂先update),如果會print notes出黎嘅人小心 tutor一般都係25-30min內就完,如果lab hints/lecture吾明,TA會教你 因為tutor好少人上,基乎可以一對一教(與其講教倒不如話係同你吹水www 不過佢地都試過lab hints出錯左,真係要自己思考過先好做lab btw jack lee同啲TA都幾遲覆email下,試過夜晚8點左右email佢地問野,凌晨兩三點覆我 如果lab有問題好似都可以揾technician Gordon, 不過gordon淨係working hour先做野 :o) 另外佢第一堂會recommend你讀埋IERG4831(cusis係寫Corequisite:
IERG4090 or ESTR4302),雖然佢會同你講4831只係4090嘅lab深少少,但我嘅建議係你讀完4090之後掌握哂啲野先好去讀(除非你有好多時間可以同4831個lab死鬥 #2 上堂會有計分功課,不過容易。另外會有Virtual PC實驗功課,有約5份,需要不少時間去做,而且強烈建議一定要上tutorial,會教點做。網課下開書final,但有一點困難。但唔開書都唔容易。(記得唔好走堂;如果IERG3310你OK再諗呢個course, 以及要有基本commend line 操作能力) |
評價教員教學 |
#1 一貫jack lee作風,講完一 part會問有冇野想問,有人問嘅話會詳細咁答翻你,你同佢講吾太明,佢會用另一個方法試下解俾你聽,都解得幾清楚 會確保所有人明先落下一part,如果吾明真係放膽問無妨 #2 他是非常用心清晰講解內容,基本上包含所有東西。雖然你可能會想訓,但要堅持,會有助你理解及節省時間。 |
CUSIS科目資料 |
Description: This is a
second course on computer networking protocols and systems. The introductory
course, IERG 3310 Computer Networks, covers the basic principles of networks,
the protocol stack, and network programming. This course covers additional
topics related to the operation and management of the Internet as well as new
and emerging network technologies. A major topic in this course is Internet
routing and traffic engineering which studies the operational model of
transit ISPs and local ISPs, and their peering agreements. The course covers
new technologies and protocols including, for example, support for multimedia
applications, streaming, VoIP, IPTV services, and architectures for content
delivery and data center networking. The emerging issues covered in this
course may include the support for mobility, convergence of different types
of wired and wireless networks, and the design of next generation Internet
protocols as well as the issues in the transition to these protocols. Learning
Outcome: 1. Acquire a
deeper understanding of network protocols and management based on how the
Internet is operated by a multitude of
ISPs. 2. Appreciate
how multimedia applications and novel Internet services are supported by
current/emerging Internet protocols and additional
build blocks. 3. Appreciate
how the Internet architecture is evolving with new technologies, applications
and services. 4. Demonstrate
the understanding of the specific challenges, possible solution-approaches
and their tradeoffs in designing new Internet
protocols, systems and architectures under changing technology constraints
and user/application requirements. |
其他資料 |
2019Sem2:學位 70|註冊 26|剩餘 54 |
同學推薦 |
高度推薦 |
1 |
推薦 |
有保留 |
極有保留 |
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【更新進度】23-24 s1/s2/ss 的科目評價已更新。[2/7/2024]
IERG 4090 網絡協議與系統 Networking Protocols and Sys
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