Course Code |
CSCI 3260 CSCI3260 |
科目名稱 |
Principles of
Comp Graphics 計算機圖形學之原理 |
教員 |
學 分 |
課程性質 |
Science選修 |
同科其他選擇 |
Workload |
l 非PAPER類HOMEWORK l MIDTERM l FINAL EXAM l (Homework主要係Programming
Assignment, 仲有1份Group Project,
Group Project要Demo) |
好重 |
重 |
平均 |
輕 |
1 |
極輕 |
評價教學內容 |
#1 喱科嘅Workload主要係Programming Assignment同Group Project.
Assignment, 平均1個月1份, 第1份幾個鐘就搞掂, 第2份可能要2-3日, Project就做咗成個禮拜Orz, 主要係叫你用OpenGL去Render啲2D/3D object出黎. Group Project就1學期得1份姐, 2個人1組, 其實大槪結合返之前2份Programming Assignment嘅野去寫個OpenGL嘅小遊戲. Lecture方面, 喱科雖然有好多式, 但大部分式都係識用就得, Concept上唔會好難, 如果本身有影開相, 玩開CG或者3D Modeling會對理解上有啲幫助添. Tutorial方面, 全部係教你點揼嗰兩份Programming Assignment同Group Project,
lecture係有教背後嘅Concept, tutorial就完全教你點Implement, 難聽啲講, 其實可以單靠Tutorial就搞掂啲Assignment同Group Project. 不過tutorial有另一個問題, 就係有時啲code佢會畀啲唔畀啲你, 不過同學仔可以自己上 (有簡體中文版)睇返, 會更加詳細, TA都係咁suggest我地架啦. Midterm Final話難唔難, 有温書就得:) 題外話, 喱科係可以畀人學到好多關於Graphics嘅知識, Topic主要係圍繞3D Rendering, 不過如果大家FF讀喱科係畫3D動畫或者3D模型就真係諗多咗, 佢課程主要係Focus model transformation,
Lighting, Texture, Ray Tracing之類畫圖之外嘅野, 之於大家Expect嘅3D模型TA係會提供畀你或者叫你自己上網下載, 個course係唔會教你畫圖架~ |
評價教員教學 |
#1 Lecturer講得算快, TA有啲解得幾用心, 有啲就好hea |
CUSIS科目資料 |
Description: This course
introduces fundamental computer graphics techniques and algorithms. Topics to
be covered include: graphics hardware and interaction devices, transformation
of coordination systems, scan conversion algorithms, hidden surface
algorithms, illumination models and shading, rendering, texture mapping,
computer animation and visualization. Learning
Outcome: 1. Be able to
understand fundamental graphics concepts and techniques; 2. Be able to
transform, represent and display 2D/3D information on computer display; 3. Be able to
perform interactive graphics programming in OpenGL; 4. Be able to
produce a short animation sequence; |
其他資料 |
2020Sem1:學位 100|註冊 84|剩餘 16 |
同學推薦 |
高度推薦 |
推薦 |
1 |
有保留 |
極有保留 |