Course Code |
UGEB 3630 UGEB3630 |
科目名稱 |
Exploring the
Enigmatic Oceans 海洋探秘 |
教員 |
學 分 |
課程性質 |
大學通識B範疇 |
同科其他選擇 |
Workload |
好重 |
重 |
平均 |
1 |
輕 |
極輕 |
評價教學內容 |
#1 內容幾有趣,會學唔同海洋生物既特性;講到幾深入所以會有少少難溫,考試會有啲難 #2 Apple 一開波已經講明呢個 course 易爛 grade,我攞到 A- 但係我 groupmate 得 B-。作爲唯一一個3字頭嘅 UGEB course,伏嘅位係 close book midterm 刁鑽同埋 video presentation field work + 剪片麻煩,彷彿好似讀緊 3 cred course。Final 有 pp 跟反而冇事。不過其實教嘅內容係長知識同埋有趣嘅。 |
評價教員教學 |
#1 好比心機教! #2 真係好少會遇到一個教得噉有熱情嘅 professor,雖然 lecture 會 upload panopto 但係都唔會想走堂。佢畀嘅 bonus activities 真係同喺街外面做 outreach 冇乜分別,可見真係有心教同埋做 research。 |
CUSIS科目資料 |
Description: This course
aims to provide an overview of the oceans and the roles of natural and
anthropogenic impacts on shaping the physical and biological aspects of the
oceans. The main themes of the course include the ocean processes, the marine
ecosystems and their inhabitants, and the relationships between oceans and mankind.
Emphasis will be placed on how natural processes shape the oceans, how the
inhabitants survive the marine environment, how we depend on the oceans, the
impact of anthropogenic processes on the oceans, and how the future of
mankind is affected by the oceans. Examples of topics covered include: the
Earth and the oceans, ecosystems of the oceans, marine organisms and their
adaptations to the marine environment, exploitation of the oceans, and the
management and conservation of the oceans. A laboratory visit to the Simon
F.S. Li Marine Science Laboratory will be included to demonstrate the
methodology and instruments used in marine research. Learning
Outcome: 1. Recognise the nature and importance of the
oceans, and aware that human beings are part of the nature, 2. Recognise the nature of various marine
ecosystems, and compare the characteristics and ecological importance of the
individual marine ecosystems; 3. Identify the factors influencing the
various ocean processes, and recognise their interactions and their impact on
human life; 4. Appraise how the balance of the natural
environment is maintained and how the oceans as the biggest biome of Earth
recycles its living and non-living components through the natural recycling
processes; 5. Recognise the characteristics of various
marine organisms, relate their structural or physiological adaptations to the
specific marine environments where they survive, and compare ways through
which organisms in different marine ecosystems adapt to survive; 6. Acquire hands-on experience on the theory
and application of the common instruments used in marine research through a
visit to the Simon F.S. Li Marine Science Laboratory; 7. Recognise the importance of the oceans as
a source of fossil and renewable energy, minerals, food and space for human
survival and development; 8. Explain the harmful effects of marine
pollution and over-exploitation of marine resources, and to recognise and
affirm the role of humanity in conserving nature in particular the vulnerable
marine environment; 9. Able to collect, analyse, and compile
information and data on topics related to the oceans; and construct and
submit a project report on the integrated information, as well as delivering
the report to the whole class in form of an oral presentation. |
其他資料 |
2019Sem2:學位 60|註冊 59|剩餘 1 2022Sem1:學位 60|註冊 39|剩餘 21 |
同學推薦 |
高度推薦 |
推薦 |
有保留 |
1 |
極有保留 |
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UGEB 3630 海洋探秘 Exploring the Enigmatic Oceans
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