Course Code |
UGEC1681/ANTH1010 |
科目名稱 |
Humans and Culture 人類與文化 |
教員 |
學 分 |
課程性質 |
大學通識C範疇 |
同科其他選擇 |
Workload |
l PAPER(Mid term paper 寫 3000字,Final paper
4000字, 全部係選答題,寫短essay 答) l TUTORIAL / PRESENTATION l Classroom participation |
好重 |
重 |
1 |
平均 |
輕 |
極輕 |
評價教學內容 |
#1 有趣,解釋人類同文化嘅關係,再用唔同角度講解䆁兩者關係,例如經濟、生物、語言、政治角度等等。(全英文,上堂前要睇reading, tutorial會問同討論) |
評價教員教學 |
#1 好風趣,上堂好interactive,但要忍啲同學問啲無聊問題。 |
CUSIS科目資料 |
Description: This course
discusses the nature and development of humans and culture. Examples from
different cultures in the past and the present will be used to illustrate the
similarities and variations among human groups. Learning
Outcome: After taking
this course, students will be able to: explain how
cultures function, and recognize the different perspectives that can be used
to understand culture; discuss how
different cultures have both diverse and similar solutions to the problems of
human existence; analyze
cultures and societies as informed through comparisons with other cultures
and societies; and explicate the
connections among different subfields of social and cultural anthropology
(which focus on different facets of culture, such as religion, gender,
politics, economics, etc.) and how these facets are linked and integrated in
each culture |
其他資料 |
2020Sem2:學位 40|註冊 22|剩餘 18 [UGEC] 2020Sem2:學位 50|註冊 33|剩餘 17 [ANTH] |
同學推薦 |
高度推薦 |
推薦 |
1 |
有保留 |
極有保留 |